
Monday 6 February 2012

Thirty-six Views of Mount Kurumi

Oh. Self-raising flour. The recipe said self-raising flour.

Still, turned out OK in the end.

(I may have overstated the number of pictures somewhat)


  1. I had a bread maker in Saitama with one side caved in from punching. A series of collapsed loaves is disappointing. I stopped aggravating the damage when I thought to look up the Japanese for 'all purpose flour', and no longer tried to bake bread with pastry flour...

  2. Chris, you can get big electric ovens here for about 80000y, though still not quite to US standards. Better gas ones exist for double that new (or much less at 'Gaijin sales'). However, pretend you didn't read that, so you can stay off the carbs...

  3. I'm making do with a combi microwave/convection effort. A touch small, but does the job.

    When we bought the house I was seriously interested in getting a decent sized oven fitted, but apparently we wouldn't use it enough to justify the expense. I reckon we could have managed it, had we not also had to shell out for raising the shower, extractor hood and stuff by a couple of feet each. Cake or regular cranial trauma, always going to be a close call, that.

  4. Ah, that should have read, 'Cake or *the absence of* regualar cranial trauma' Not really much of a decision, otherwise.

  5. For sure, when I only saw the first picture, I though there was going to be a sheeple in there. Thank you so much for posting the second picture; I didn't really think it was a portal for the big uglies. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll open a window -- it's getting a little hot in here.

  6. When you put it like that it seems a touch disappointing that it only had walnuts inside :(
