I mistakenly visited the
Japan Times website on Wednesday. It wasn’t a mistake because I meant to go
somewhere else, but because the JT (as those in the know don’t call it) is a
steaming mound of shit, and my mistake was in forgetting that. I can’t remember
the last time I read anything even vaguely original in the opinion section, and
the letters seem to be written almost exclusively by people who’ve decided that
whole ‘critical thought’ lark is too much of an effort and it’s fine to just
scratch out whatever ignorant dribble they happen to be experiencing at the
time and send it to ‘Them Words People’ at ‘Big Paper’.
Christ, just look at the
headlines. Just pull random fucking words out of a hat, why don't you? Bolting Tax Hike Foes. Mutual Truck Pact. Nix. Who the fuck ever –
ever – says ‘nix’ in any conversation in any place at any time? My favourite
from Wednesday though is this pearler from the editorial page –
And who could argue with
searing insight like that? The News doesn’t get any newer than this, ladies and
gentlemen. I wait in eager anticipation of tomorrow’s op-ed piece on the
current situations vis-à-vis night following day and water flowing downhill.
The headlines and standfirsts
are all just by way of pleasant hors d’oeurves. For the real idiocy entrées you
have to look to the ‘community’ pages. The community in question apparently being
an amalgam of Stepford, Brigadoon, and the island from Lord of the Files.
![]() |
Why can't we all just get along? |
Given the JT will never
knowingly pass up an opportunity to run an idea into the ground, it’s revisited
the whole monkeyfighting thing again. Woo hoo. Though I’m secretly kind of
glad, because it lets me use that Simpsons clip at the top one more time, and
also because I can link to this article, and then back to my Spotter’s Guide,
and sit back smugly whilst saying, ‘See? I told you so.’
Now you too can play at
being an amateur sociological taxonomist. Like present day tourists visiting
the Galapagos, see how many of each species you can spot. Look! There’s a Duck-billed
Proportionalist. And over there is a Red-crested Playground Lawyer. If we’re
very still and pretend that we’re not really here, we may even catch a glimpse
of a Lesser Spotted Solipsist. Let us set sail on the good ship Fightstart and
see what we can see.
You realize that in this
metaphor I’m Darwin, right? Aren’t I just so fucking clever?
Not really. A child could
identify the patterns here; it’s all so predictable and tedious.
So, to avoid this being
just a rather hypocritical attempt to have my cake and eat it and/or exercise in smug self gratification, I
present you with another little tale from one of my past lives. I was trying to
work it up into something for my indefinitely postponed ‘Deadly Virtues’
series, but I’ll just leave it here without any further comment and let you
make of it what you will. It is relevant, I promise.
* * * * *
You'll of course remember
my glittering career as a lifeguard. The one that scarred me for life by not
only making me depressed at the sight of girls in bikinis, but also by giving
me an unhealthy fetish for people's shoulders. Given it was the type of pool
people came to in order to actually swim, there was limited opportunity for
seeing other more traditionally fetish worthy parts of the anatomy. You can
only work with what you're given, y'know?
I eventually crawled (ha!)
my way up the greasy pole to become duty manager for the pool and the gym
attached to it. Paradoxically, the gym offered more opportunity for ogling toned flesh than the pool ever did. And of course that's where the problems
You'll also recall that
students made up a significant proportion of the gym’s clientele. And where you
get lots of young ladies wearing not much Lycra, you'll also get lots of young
and no-so young men who like looking at them.
Now, in all honesty, one
of the fringe benefits of using a public gym is checking out the other members,
and what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, but there are ways and
means. Don't be freaky about it and everyone's happy. Copping a quick look at
the guy or girl using the pec-dec is acceptable, and if anyone's using those ridiculous
abductor or adductor machines than frankly they've only got themselves to blame. Blatantly staring's kind of creepy; following someone round the gym is
completely out, though generally hard to prove; and taking photos is so far
over the line you've forgotten what it ever even looked like.
All of these things happened
to varying degrees, to the point where we had to ban cameras and anything which
could be used to take a photo. This meant mobile phones. All mobile phones.
Fortunately I moved on just as smartphones were really starting to take off, so
I only had a couple of discussions with people who were quite legitimately
annoyed that I was asking them to put their ipod back in their lockers. I
probably had a bit of a stick up my arse about it, to be honest, but I tried to
be polite all the time. If you obviously let it go for one person, then the
next will want to know why you're only enforcing it for them. Do you think they
look like a pervert or something?
Yes, yes I do sir. That's
exactly why I'm talking to you. Cue heart palpitations from the higher-ups
about defamation law-suits and the like, because we're back to that 'hard to
prove' area again. So because a few socially inept freaks don't know how to
behave acceptably in public, everyone has to suffer.
I asked one gentleman to
put his phone in his locker as and when he'd finished up on whatever piece of
kit he was on at the time. 10 minutes later and still no dice.
'Sorry sir, but it's part
of the policy you agreed to when you joined. I'll really have to insist.'
'Well then you're
responsible for it if it gets stolen'
'Sorry sir, but we can't
take responsibility for that. Again, as was pointed out when you joined up.'
Back and forth a few
times before the gentleman, who was ethnically Asian (in the British sense)
decided he'd accuse me of being a racist.
At the time my girlfriend
(now wife)'s family were being particularly obstreperous about the fact I
wasn’t Japanese. I’ll spare you the full litany of offences, but suffice to say
I had, and have, limited sympathy for people playing the race card just because
they can’t get their own way. My sympathy was further tested the next day when
he made a formal complaint against me. Fun times.
Sadly, I don’t doubt that
the guy in question had been subject to any number of genuinely racially
motivated slights over the years. Hell, he’d probably been on the receiving end
of a couple of real ones that very day. But not then; not from me.
And there we are. I’m not
going to beat you over the head any further with what I consider the moral of
this little tale to be – you’re all adult enough to draw your own conclusions.
I will, though, close by suggesting that we all go home and have a good hard
think about what we’ve done, or else it will all end in tears.
Yes, exactly.
ReplyDeleteI'll spell it out for those who couldn't read:
- there are racists in Japan
- there are racists where you're from
- there are jerks in Japan
- there are jerks where you're from
- you may be a jerk
- once you've repeated these in your head a few times, you can decide if you are a victim of racism, or not.
See? You've done it again. Fifteen hundred words reduced to half a dozen bullet points. I might get those printed up on business cards just to really streamline the whole process.
DeleteI should have added one more thing: there's enough racism in Japan that you don't need to make any up, and the same goes for your own country, cracker.
DeleteThat subject is just getting ridiculous now. In no way is this racism everybody is talking about is causing much harm other than adding to stereotypes. I must have gotten dumber reading the responses to debitos article.
ReplyDeleteLets get on to bigger and better subjects such as the sumo tournament coming up on sunday. I'm very disapointed that Takamisakari is in the juryo division.
I'm fining it hard to maintain interest since Asashoryu retired. I first saw him in the year before he got promoted to yokozuna and it was the first time I was able to see sumo as anything more that comedy fat men slapping each other.
DeleteI still enjoy it now, but it needs more genuine competition at the top to keep people involved. Especially after all the recent unpleasantness.
I started watching a couple tournaments before he retired, and I must have to admit that Asa sure was a show himself. One of those "What did he do this time" type of people. They bring the entertainment to a sometimes dry sport. None of the ozeki are really trying or they are getting worse with age and Hakuho is not so exciting to watch without a rival to compete against.
DeleteYeah, no-one's really putting themselves up as a challenger, despite various media outlets talking up random ozeki as the next Great White Hope.
DeleteActually, does that phrase actually work in Japan? You know what I mean.
"5 weeks ago called and it want's it's dunce hat back"
ReplyDeleteThere we go again. 1500 words in less than a dozen. You're showing me up for the long-winded gas-bag I am as well. I greatly appreciate yours and Ant's comments but sometime I really wish you wouldn't ;)
Hahaha, excellent way to wrap up with that last paragraph.
ReplyDeleteI really like the comic strip, btw. It's abeen so long since I read Perry Bible!
Yeah, I think it's pretty much finished now, more's the pity. If you leave it long enough between visits though, you can forget most of it and it's like reading them fresh again.
DeleteI think my undisputed favourite is this. It's such a slow burner, for me at least.