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See what I did there? |
They say it’s better to travel than to
arrive. Whoever ‘they’ were obviously never attempted a 16 hour intercontinental
flight with children under the age of three. Doing it with just the one was bad enough, so I can’t say I’m exactly cock-a-hoop about the prospect of trying it
with two. At least last time all he did was eat and sleep and cry, and one of
the first two of those usually sorted out the third. This time he can actually
walk, and that doesn’t bode well.
I’ve also been getting absolutely reamed by
spam on some older posts, so I’ll be turning comment moderation on shortly as
well. It’ll only be while I’m away, and I doubt it’ll really affect all that
much anyway, but just so’s you know.
And finally, having successfully outsourced
my consumption of the Japanese English language media (“Ἀντισθένης – reading
the rags so you don’t have to”), I’m alerted to a brief guest appearance I made
in this JT article. It’s about the blogging ‘community’ in Japan and is thus
depressing as all fuck. I highly recommend that you don’t read it and can only
apologise for drawing it you your attention. MTC aside, it’s pretty
insalubrious company I’m keeping so I can’t say I’m all that disappointed that
they didn’t link directly to this blog. It only takes about a dozen comments
before someone’s doing google searches on the author because, y’know, nothing
says ‘sane and rational argument’ quite like internet powered ad hom attacks. I’m well off out of it,
to be frank (they should have linked to this blog though. Bastards).
Hope you all enjoy your summer (/winter for
you antipodeans) and I’ll see you all at the end of August.
Safe travels...
ReplyDeleteMany thanks. Enjoy your summer, Billy.
DeleteNot happy with that byline...
ReplyDeleteYou shoulda seen the first draft...
DeleteTime out. You said 'half completed Word files kicking around on your hard-drive'?! You mean to say that you haven't been posting straight from your iPhone?
ReplyDeleteOK. Nobody got the joke or they did and it just wasn't funny. It's never funny. Cruising between thirty and forty thousand feet for half a day and then some with newly mobile offspring sounds pretty parental.
Enjoy your holiday.
:) The effort is appreciated nonetheless. Parental is definitely the right word for it, and I'd by lying if I said I didn't have slightly mixed feeling about that...
DeleteI hope you had a safe trip. I endured a flight from Amsterdam to Los Angeles seated behind twin toddlers. I count myself lucky because the little babies mostly slept and when they didn't ate and made smiley faces at my sister and I. I do recall some crying but the parents got up and took turns walking them so the plane got to share in the excitement of a toddler crying.
ReplyDeleteThanks for that, Suzie. Sorry it took a while to approve. Still a little jetlagged, but it's all over now. It's all over...
DeleteNow that the heat is not record breaking every other day (I counted 16 new records in 4 weeks)...it's safe to come out and blog again. Should be pushing full speed by the time Halloween type posts start up. Fuck Summer in Japan...did I say that already?...I meant to!!
ReplyDeleteFuck Halloween, also. I believe I've said that too (though your carnival spectaculars are of course an exception).
DeleteThe temperature was barely pushing 20 back home and people were in shorts and t-shirts. My wife couldn't believe it. At least now she knows why I always complain that she wraps the kids up too warm.