Wednesday 3 April 2013


The fruit sank. The fruit always sinks. I am the baked goods equivalent of Captain E. Smith, but still the band plays on...


  1. Still looks good. I should make a fruit cake again soon.

    1. You should. Does a body good, does a bit of fruit.

  2. Fruit in cake?! Does not compute... core meltdown imminent... Danger! Danger!

    1. These anti-fruitcake people have never had a good one. It's simple. If you bought it in a store there is no way it has as much brandy in it as mine. That's why it sucked.

    2. As so often, Ant is on the money here. A fruit cake should have fruit in it, not just a couple of sad strawberries plonked listlessly on top.

  3. Frosting jokes get deleted? I gotta learn to navigate the baking waters better ;)

    1. I don't remember deleting anything of yours. I've been getting a shitload of spam on some of my older posts recently, so it might have got caught up in amongst those. Apologies if so.

      After everything else we've talked about it'd seem s bit odd to start taking offence at jokes about cakes at this point, eh? What was the joke? What was it? Tell me! TELL ME!!!!!

      (It better be bloody good ;)

  4. Kamo/Ant - Is it acceptable for you to put custard on fruit cake? Just wondering.

    Also, I have done my first book review. Please put me on your blog roll if you don't mind. Thanks.

    1. I just had too google Hard Sauce. It's basically Brandy Butter taken to ridiculous extremes, isn't it?

      Each to their own, but custard and cake doesn't really work for me. I guess if it was a really moist fruit cake it could work. More to the point, I'm not so much of a custard fan generally and if I want it here I'd have to make it from scratch. I just don't like it enough to do that.
